Welcome to Saint Mary Magdalene's Church, Lillington
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Whatever your age or background, we hope this church will be a place where you can explore faith and find friendship.
Join Us for Worship
Join us for worship in church or online.
Our broadcast services are

Download Booklets for streamed services from the Service Booklets page.
Catch up with anything you missed recently on our Twitch channel. Please note our Harvest Service on the 13th is a Joint Service and begins at 10.30am.

Sunday 13th October
Trinity 20: Harvest Service
10:30amJoint Harvest Service (In church and online)
 Share in the breaking of bread in church or at home
12 NoonHarvest Lunch and Beetle Drive in the Octagon
 No evening service this week
6:30pmYouth Group (Octagon)
Wednesday 16th October
10:00amHoly Communion (In church and online)
Sunday 20th October
Trinity 19
9:30amHoly Communion (In church and online)
 Share in the breaking of bread in church or at home
11:15amStar Church (In church)
 No evening service this week
6:30pmYouth Group (Octagon)

Download the weekly notices for Sunday 13th October in the Handout.

Octotots meet every Thursday in termtime at 10.30am.

For more events and news see the Parish Magazine and our Facebook page.
Safeguarding Policy
Details of the church Safeguarding Officer and a copy of our safeguarding policy can be found on our Safeguarding page.

Church Opening
The church is open during public service times, and can also be visited through the Church Office (vestry door) when the office is open on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays between 9:30am and 1:00pm.

Love Lillington
Love Lillington is an initiative based at St Mary Magdalene's, providing help to people in need who live within our parish. See this page for more information.

Can You Help?
Food parcel items on the current Warwick District Foodbank list include: tinned vegetables, instant mash, biscuits, toothpaste, please no baked beans, tinned soup or cereal at present. Money can be donated via Charity Checkout.
Prayer For The Week

Father of light, in whom is no change or shadow of turning, you give us every good and perfect gift and have brought us to birth by your word of truth:
May we be a living sign of that kingdom where your whole creation will be made perfect in Jesus Christ our Lord.